C-ITS platform – V2I ready

C-ITS platform – V2I ready

EMERAS was created to respond to the technological and operating challenges that operators will find themselves facing during the transition to connected and cooperative mobility.

The creation of a system that supports real-time, two-way interconnection between vehicles and infrastructure is a key step in opening up the cooperative scenario: the prompt exchange of information related to events will enable optimised traffic management, thereby reducing accidents, congestion and polluting emissions.

In addition to enabling V2I communication and acquiring data from on-road ITS systems, the platform has a set of modules that allow operators to launch and control the new C-ITS services, integrating them with their management processes. EMERAS can be used as a stand-alone solution equipped with its own GUI or integrated with traditional traffic Control Centres using the DATEX protocol. Installable either on site or in the cloud and based on a micro-services software structure, EMERAS is widely scalable and ready to manage the expected increase in connected vehicles.